Thursday, March 2, 2017

Keeping Your Pet Safe In The Car

"It’s important to keep your dog secured just like the rest of your passengers, according to the renowned nonprofit Center for Pet Safety. Jennifer Stockburger, Consumer Reports’ child-safety expert, says “it’s as much about your safety as theirs.” That’s because if the vehicle stops short, your unrestrained pet could turn into a dangerous projectile. Pet products are an unregulated $60 billion industry. Some companies label their products as “tested” or “crash-tested,” but there are no government or industry standards for pet-safety items, says the center’s founder, Lindsey A. Wolko. So the group did its own independent tests of crates, harnesses, and pet carriers. (They were funded by Subaru to cover the costs of the crash tests.) In the end, only a handful of products earned the center’s crash-test certification. For pet carriers, they were the PetEgo Jet Set Forma Frame Carrier with an Isofix-Latch Connection (Isofix-Latch Connection is a separate item.) and the Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed with PPRS Handilock. For pet crates, Gunner Kennels G1 Intermediate, with 8’ Tie-Down Straps. (8' Tie-Down Straps are a separate item.) And for pet harnesses, the Sleepypod Clickit Sport. To learn more, go to" NOTE: For complete product information and verified consumer reviews, click each item. SOURCE: Consumer Reports

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